Last weekend it was that time of year again for my oldest sister and I to visit the big craft fair Kreadoe in Utrecht. We go there every year so if you want to read about previous visits you can visit my other posts here:
2013 and
This year we arrived a little later than other years so I didn't really take the time to take any photographs at the fair itself, but for an impression of that just visit my older posts and you'll get the general idea. The place is huge and stuffed with all kinds of craft supplies you can possibly imagine and then some.
I do however want to share my loot of this year, because this is the one time a year I go all out when it comes to buying supplies. I do this by saving bigger coins all year round and then exchanging those for paper money right before I go and then I can just spend what I want without having to worry about it. It's a really good little system for me, haha.
Anyway, here's my Kreadoe Loot of 2015!
One cute fabric bag that I just couldn't resist. |
Fun fabric that I bought for the imagery that I hope to use in postcards and collages. |
Ribbons, because you can never have too many (I'm sticking with that philosophy no matter what!). |
Big square envelopes for my Snail Mail Listers. |
Some stamps and some journaling cards. |
A few more stencils for my growing collection of alphabets. |
Pretty papers. I bought the right one just because of the cute foxes! |
Three die cut blocks that I will cut apart for my collages and snail mail and maybe even for the journal. |
Stickers! |
I have filled three dylusions journals so far, so you can imagine my joy when I found out they now make square ones. |
And of course some washi tape! You don't want to know how many tapes I didn't buy! ;-) |
All in all I'm pretty pleased with my buys. It's not like I
needed any of this stuff of course, because, let's face it, I have an art supply treasure store in my own studio. But it's nice to add a few new things every now and then and I am no stranger to buyer's high when it comes to my creative supplies. Once a year I need my fix! Better this than shoes or other such nonsense, haha! And, believe it or not, after all this I still had about a hundred euro's left that is going straight back into my piggy bank for next year. It's a win win situation.
I hope you enjoyed looking at my loot and I wish you a wonderful and artsy day!