Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Scenes from the Midori

My Midori Traveler's Notebook is still my steady companion through the day. I don't really journal in it or do anything artsy with it, but I do fill up the pages of the calendar insert until there's not one tiny open space left. Creative chaos one might call it.

Here's a peek into the colourful messes I make in there:

Throughout the week the calendar spreads are mostly just functional for to do lists, appointments and notes, but at the end of the week I fill every left over space with colour and stickers and remarks about that week.

As I said I don't consider the Midori a journal, it's a work horse book for note taking, planning and ideas. But of course these calendar pages do have some journal quality to them as they do give a quick impression of what my week was like. The other two books in the midori are not as visual. They are just for general notes and brain dumps and for quickly noting down artsy thoughts.

Anyway, I still absolutely love this notebook system and am so glad I came across it at the end of last year. Usually I tire of the planner style or notebooks that I use, but this one continues to be a source of joy and practicality.

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy day.