After drawing the cats in bed last week I wanted to make at least one cat into a little mixed media piece. There was no way I could do that in bed though, so I went to my studio table instead and tried and tried and finally came to this little work on canvas board.
It started out as a really colorful background that I just couldn't get to work 'right' (whatever that means) so I went over it with these dark colors. Because of this the piece has a whole lot of texture. I painted/drew this white cat over it that was done after one of the cats I drew in bed. I also put on rub on texts that are all dutch sayings about cats.
I was not too happy with the end result and still can't say I really like it, but that fact did inspire the words on the piece. I got to thinking how cats don't care about what they look like at all, quite the opposite in fact: no matter what they look like they all act as if they are king/queen of the world and there could not possibly be anybody cuter/better/sweeter and more entitled then them ;-)
Maybe we should judge our art the same way or better yet: not judge it at all. It just is what it is. Sometimes we like it, sometimes we don't, that's all part of the process.