Yesterday I had the honor to be offered two blog awards in one day by two lovely fellow bloggers. I hadn't had any of that happen in almost a year, so I thought the button on my sidebar that says "Award Free Zone" was working. Apparently not so. ;-) So I have moved the button up and now it shows the moment you go to my blog and I'm leaving this little extra reminder to all you generous award givers out there.
Here it goes:
I appreciate the positive idea behind awards. I appreciate it even more that you think my blog is worthy of one. However if you give me an award I will refuse it kindly. That's because the whole concept of awards is just not my cup of tea. You can read all about my reasons for not accepting any awards over here.
I hope you all understand. The most wonderful appreciation any of you can give me is through your lovely comments and e-mails or by mentioning me to someone else or praising me to kingdom come on your own blog (haha). I love getting feedback on my blog and my artsy stuff even if you don't agree with what I say or do. It's the interaction that I love about the blogosphere.
Thanks for listening and please give your awards to someone who will jump for joy at receiving them. There's plenty of people who do. They deserve them and will appreciate them so much more than me!