Tuesday, June 16, 2015


My moleskine Pattern Book is slowly coming towards its end. I have six pages left to fill. I already have another moleskine sketchbook in waiting to replace it, but I'm also thinking of getting one of those Leuchtturm 1917 books with vague dots in a grid, because then I could get my patterns more evenly spaced without help from any tools. We'll see.

Here are eight more patterns I drew in my Pattern Book:

I'm sorry about the glare on some of the right pages. Circumstances were not really ideal for photographing this book, but at least you can still see the colours and all. ;-)

All these were done with pitt big brush markers. If you want a marker that works well in your moleskine sketchbook (which has a thick paper that resists some markers a little and watercolour a lot) then the pitts are the way to go. They don't bleed and the colours are beautiful, waterproof and lightfast.

I thought about leaving the last two pages in just black and white, because they looked really cool that way, but I decided against it in the end. Still it made me think that maybe I should experiment a little with just black and white pattern drawings or doodles. This is one of the great things about making artsy stuff. One thing can lead to another, which leads to yet another, and so on and so forth.

I hope your swimming in artsy ideas in your neck of the woods. If you want to, tell me about them!

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy day.