Okay then, let's get this show on the road. I've decided to keep up the blog for now, my posting may be less regular than before, but at least I'll be posting.
Thank you all for your kind comments both on and off the blog. It is much appreciated. And a bit of a relieve that apparently some of you still like to read blogs. ;-)
I think I'll just start with an 'around here lately' post. I know I will never catch up on more than a year of not blogging, but I can at least look back on the last few months through some photographs, right?
Here we go!
Found a heart at the beach. A blackened heart, but still... |
There was a bear-hunt in our town during the height of corona. I did not have a bear, but this bunny with a hat played the part. |
Spring brought fresh daffodils .... |
....and beautiful blossoms. |
I turned fifty! The doll was a gift from my sisters, because I'm an old lady now. A Sara. Is that just a Dutch thing? |
I was spoiled with lots of flowers and gifts and cards. |
This is the ferry for the island of Ameland, which for some unknown reason showed up in Harlingen where our ferry departs. |
Reading magazines and artsy books. The art journal book was a birthday gift. |
Participated in three readathons, this one was last April. |
On Kingsday the local baker treated everyone on the island to some traditional pastry (a tompouce). |
I finished several journals... |
...and also started several new ones. And no, those are not all my fountain pens. |
Working through this book to loosen up my drawing style and broaden my horizon. |
Learned how to make a facemask... |
... and then made several more. |
Quiet Sunday mornings are the best. |
Playing in the studio. |
Got tendonitis. The official name is Quervain Syndrome, which is a fancy name for a shitty thing. |
Lots of drawing on the iPad. |
My latest journal acquisition plus some cute cat paperclips that I couldn't resit. This journal is now in use. |
Testing out papers, because sometimes you have to know what it can take. |
Me on the ferry with facemask and wrist brace. I look decidedly dangerous. ;-) |
And that's been my world in a nutshell recently.
Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy day.