Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Morning Mosaic #10 - step by step

My morning art continues to be one of the most satisfying artsy things I do. My current project is still doing half an hour (almost) every morning of watercolour mosaics. It is slow going, but that makes it extra meditative.

My intention is to from now on show you every mosaic separately step by step so you can see the stages of each painting,  also because sometimes the in between stages are more interesting than the end result. I always feel the need to fill in every shape with colour, but that does not necessarily make the painting better.

Just keep in mind these are experiments where I simply wonder 'what if?'.

Here is mosaic number 10, done in eight sessions:

Now this happens to be one of those mosaics where what I had in mind did not really translate well to the paper. I wanted the hexagrams to show better than they do. I think that would have worked better if I had not let them form diagonal lines. Another lesson learned. I will try a different approach in a future painting where I separate them more clearly.

I think it's important to show the work that did not turn out as I expected. Nobody comes up with a pleasing finished artwork at every try. It's a practice, it's experimentation, it's falling and getting up again, on to the next. The point is having a bit of pleasure while doing it and not worrying too much about the end result. Process over product, always, at least for me. ;-)

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy day.