Last post I showed you the first part of my Zelhem Travel Journal. Zelhem is the town my sister lives in and it's also where I stayed last October for my free vacation at her house. I kept this small A6 travel journal and today I'd like to show you the rest of the inside of it.
I'm quite proud of how much drawing I got done this vacation, but
make no mistake, I'm not a good urban or outdoor sketcher. Most of these
were done in the comfort of my sister's home after photographs I took.
Also, sketching always takes a lot of effort for me. I think I'm okay
skill wise (not great but okay), but I just find it hard to really get into it. Not sure why.
Give me a bit of paper and a couple of markers and I will gladly puzzle
out a pattern or a doodle for hours on end, but to take ten minutes to
actually draw something real? That will always be a bit like homework to
me.To each her own I guess.
I do like the results mostly though, so sometimes it's good
to push yourself anyway. Even the drawings that aren't great are still a
wonderful memory to keep. And it makes for a fun journal to look into afterwards.
Here's the rest of the Zelhem Travel Journal:
A wrap up of the fourth day. |
Extra dark chocolate is the way to go. Plus a note of how for the first time this season it was cold enough to see my breath. |
An overview of day five. |
Instructions my sister left for the house and such. The wifi was sketchy, hence the sad face she drew. ;-) |
Flowers in sisters patio. |
An owl decoration in sisters patio. |
Day six wrap up. |
Instructions on how to care for Jinte. |
These were the supplies I took. Everything fit into that blue pouch, including the journal! |
A field seen on one of my walks. |
Day seven overview. |
I like luxury coffees. It's a bit of an addiction I'm afraid. |
The little makeshift studio I made in sisters house. |
The last night plus the journey home. |
The last morning with Jinte, look at that face. The first night home with my Spooky. He was very pleased indeed. |
It isn't until now that I write these posts about my travel journal that I realise I never did a wrap up of the eighth day! How weird is that? I never even missed it. Oh well, the book is full now and I still have the pictures to prove there actually
was a day eight, haha.
Anyway, that's a wrap on the Zelhem Travel Journal for this year. I hope to be lucky enough next year to visit there again. We'll see how it goes.
Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy day!