
Friday, February 22, 2013

Photography Friday

Time for another photography Friday to show you some highlights of what my camera phone picked up the last few weeks, mostly wintery scenes!

The local church which is also used for music performances. It's a beautiful building.

How can one lose a shoe and not miss it?

Winter came back again with snow.

I took lots of pictures like this, they looked like abstract paintings to me. Just snowy branches.

My assistant being very alert.

A tree...of course...

And more trees, the snow made the world almost black and white.

A cosy home for cold birds.

In winter most benches are lonely and abandoned, a bit like the island itself.

I loved the straight lines these tree stems made.

Everything becomes so quiet in winter and so beautiful.

More line work by left over tree stems with snow on one side.

The big pond near my house. Can you believe that in summer this is often dried up?

All the snow is gone again now. People are longing for spring, but you know me, I'm hoping winter will make a few more appearances. It's not too late, it's only February after all. Spring will bring it's own wonders, I know, but nothing touches me like the desolate nature of winter where the only birds you hear are crows and the world is oh so quiet and solemn. I just can't get enough of it.

Hope you enjoyed these winter pics and wish you a wonderful and very artsy weekend!