
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Busy Bee

I've been a pretty busy bee lately, but very few things are finished, so I thought today I would give you a peek into the things I am working on right now, so you know I'm not lazing about. All of these little teasers will become blogposts sometime in the future, I promise.

I've started keeping a solely written journal and am trying to find a new sort of style/way to journal in the White Book.

I have several drawings in the Outside of the Studio Book that still need to be coloured in.

I'm working with the book Journal Fodder 365 in a big Moleskine watercolour book. Out of my comfort zone journaling.

An unifinished page for the colouring book zine that's still in the making.

A contribution to the Sketchbook Challenge that still needs to coloured in.

I'm working on sets of patterned papers. They will become freebies for you all too of course.
The artsy book I'm currently reading, which of course will be reviewed here.

I'm putting together a journal. On the left the inside cover and on the right the signatures.

And this is the outside cover in progress.  I am beading to fabric for the first time in my life!

All in all I am enjoying many productive hours inside and outside the studio and I'm loving it and learning new things. I'm looking forward to showing you some finished projects soon!

Hope you all are busy bees as well and wishing you a wonderful and artsy Wednesday!