
Friday, July 6, 2012

Walking pictures

I love walking around my island, I suppose that's no secret. It says so right on my profile info. The beauty of the place I get to live astounds me time and again. And whatever astounds me or fascinates me or moves me I have to document. Be it in writing as in my journals or be it through the hundreds (I should say thousands) of photographs I take. Here's a sample from the past week.

For most of this week it has been too hot and humid to walk. I did go for a shorter one on Tuesday, but after that all I wanted to do after work was find a cool spot and lay very very still. It's odd that when it's hot it seems to last forever and everything seems to go so slow, when in fact it's only been three or four days. I'm just not made for this weather and am happy to report it seems to be cooling down a little again.

Apart from the journal this means I have not done much art either. Oh well, there will be days like this. Hope the weekend brings cool breezes and some artsy endeavors. Wishing you all a wonderful one!