
Monday, July 2, 2012

From the small sketchbook

Not so long ago I finished my watercolor sketchbook, the one I carried with me everywhere I went. I carry a sketchbook all the time in my backpack, but that doesn't mean I work in it all the time. I just like to have one handy for when I do feel like it. Always be prepared, that's my motto! (No it isn't, but in this case it sure applies.)

So when my watercolor book was full it was time to start a new small carry on sketchbook and I decided on a square sketchbook that only measures 14x14 cm. that's about 5.5 inches square. I have not worked in it much yet, but I thought I'd show you what I did do so far.

Most of it is in watercolor, except obviously the third one which is a little collage of washi tape and magazine images decorated with a paint pen. The last one is a little index card art that I did on a lunch break at work and decided to paste in this book. I actually had to cut a small strip off the card to make it fit the book, that's how small it is.

I have mixed feelings about this book. I like the shape and size and the paper in it, but it is so tightly bound that it's very hard to keep it open. That's why you will see my fingers in some of these pictures keeping the book open. (By the way it's very hard taking pictures with your smartphone with just one hand, just so you know.)

Hope you don't mind me testing out different settings of my camera apps on you. Also thank you for telling me you like the bigger size images. I myself am still a little apprehensive about it, because I don't like the overall layout of the blog this way. It looks off balance to me.  I think there should be more room between the pictures and the side bar. I'll try to figure out if I can change this. But I do see that bigger images are clearer too, so I'll stick with it for now.

Hope you liked this peek in my small sketchbook. Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy week!

PS: already changed the width of the blog, so the space between pictures and sidebar is more balanced to my eye.