
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What are you up to Wednesday - part 46 (woyww 155)

Even though I have been working at my desk, the view must seem quite similar to last week. That's because I'm still working on the same project, the little journal that I'm putting together. I just finished two more spreads and another one is currently ready to be finished on my table. It just needs a few more details. To not give the exact same picture as last week I thought I'd give you a wider view.

I often get comments on how organized my work tables are, but I can make messes too as you can see. It's true though that I like to know where things are and keep them sorted by kind. You know tape with tape, images with images, paints with paints, that kind of thing. I'm not overly precise and if you were able to see really up close you would also see I'm not a very good cleaner, but I do like my bit of order in the world. ;-)

Then I wanted to share something that happened weeks ago already, but that I keep forgetting to tell you about, namely the fact that I am now officially a photoshop brush! Um...let me rephrase that: some of my freebie labels were turned into photoshop brushes by people who know how to do these things (me not being one of those people obviously). I was contacted by a representative of the site that provides people with free photoshop add-ons and elements and they wanted to use the freebie-labels that I made last year to make some brushes. Since they would offer them for free I agreed. Here they are (if you click on the image it will take you to their site):

I think you have to become a member of their site to use them though. I do know that joining is free too. I think it's pretty cool that somebody thought my labels would make cute brushes. So just in case there are some photoshop lovers amongst you, you might like to check it out or maybe just find out if their site is anything for you to explore.

So that's all for today. If you wish to see more worktables go check out Julia's link up.
I hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday!