
Friday, May 25, 2012


Imagine a forest with birds twittering and trees pleasantly rustling in the wind...

Imagine it's Friday afternoon, that moment when the week tourists have left and the weekend tourists not yet arrived, so the roads are mostly clear...

Imagine coming by a pond where some yellow flowers are blooming on the banks...

Now imagine that pond in it's entirety and how quiet it is there...

Imagine arriving at a beach where the wind is blowing so it cools the warmth of the sun just right and you are thankful for not living on the main land where the temperatures would be too high for you....

Imagine being the only one leaving traces in the windblown sand....

Imagine finding a perfect spot to sit for several hours and unwind....

Imagine being able to put your bare feet in the beach sand for the first time this year....

Imagine having brough your pink backpack with a book, a notebook, a sketchbook, some water, some sun tan lotion and some dried apricots...

Imagine stretching out to a clear blue sky....

Imagine remaining in that spot for hours, resting and reading, and then on your way back finding a castle in the sand...

Imagine the trees being so green and the forest smelling above all of pine trees...

Imagine coming across another pond where frogs are merrily having very loud conversations....

Imagine just before your last few yards home, you come across one more idyllic spot like this...

Now imagine that while doing all this you are fully aware of the fact that it's only Friday afternoon and you still have a three day weekend ahead of you that will pretty much be a repetition of the above...

That is my life as it is right now, my blogsy people, and I just had to share it with you!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!