
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What are you up to wednesday - part 12

When it's been a while since I've been in the studio I always have to find some sort of courage to get back to it. Do you have that too? It's like the longer I stay away from art making the harder it is to begin again. Then once I've started I wonder what the hell I was so reluctant about, because immediately I am having a great time. People are strange that way, um...or just me? It's like the only way to begin again is to actually begin. Strange but true. In any case...I am back in the studio and I am loving it!

Here's what my work table looks like right now:

I am continuing to work on what I call my four 'sad girls'. I finished the first canvas yesterday, it's the one on the left (in case you couldn't tell) and I am now working on the second. I am liking how the first one turned out. I will show all four of them more up close when they are done. I am even thinking of making one of these girls a blog give away, because my first year blogaversary and my 100th post have taken place just a short while ago! I was simply not in the mood to do anything about it, but now I am, so stay in touch and I will do a post about it soon. Don't know exactly when, 'cause that depends on when the girls are all done.

With May being over, as seen in my last post, there also came an end to my EDM drawing project that I used as my studio warm up for that month. I have been thinking about what to do for june and have decided to keep on drawing, but with different kinds of challenges. For june I will be drawing with the help of Carla Sonheim's lovely book 'Drawing Lab'! Yay!

I've had this book in my collection for a while and even posted some exercises from it on this blog, but after that it got neglected so now I have a good reason to pick it up again. Yesterday I practiced some gesture drawings and this is what some of them look like:

I temporarily put the sketchbook on my printer/scanner, because the assignment was to do gesture drawings of your pet. I have no pet right now, so I had to resort to the wonderful world of youtube for some examples of moving and sleeping cats. I had to still the frame sometimes, because you cannot follow a cat in a video the way you can in real life, people just switch too fast between scenes. I filled four pages of this sketchbook with moving and sleeping superfast cat drawings. It was fun to do. At first it doesn't look like much, but after a while you can capture the essence a little better and the thing actually starts to look like a cat!
So Drawing Lab will be my challenge for june! I look forward to it.

Hope you're all having a wonderfully creative week!