
Friday, June 10, 2011

Sad girl giveaway!

Sooner than I expected I finished my four sad girls. I had wednesday afternoon off unexpectedly and decided to spend that time in the studio. Here's the four girls together, they're a colorful bunch:

All girls are drawn with a pitt pen and colored in with colored pencil. They were made on fabriano paper and pasted to the backgrounds.The backgrounds are done in acrylic paints and the little thought clouds are done with pitt pen and gouache. I aslo used some decorative papers, some letter stamps with stazon ink, and a white paint marker to further embellish the pieces. They are sized 20 x 20 cm, which is about 8x8 inches on stretched canvas. If you look closely you can see that I've also decorated the sides of the canvasses. All the canvasses are finished with acrylic matte varnish, so they should hold up for a while.

Yes, the girls are all crying, but they are all trying to take it in a positive way or at least deal with it. I believe sadness is an inevitable part of life and that happiness is not about smiling all the time. It's about going through stuff without running away from it and coming out a little wiser on the other end. These girls are all about that. It's funny these girls came to me just before a time when things were a little crazy and sad in my own life. That's what art can do I suppose.

Now let me introduce them up close:

This is Melanie - she's surrendering to her sadness.

This is Ginger - she's giving her tears over to the wind.

This is Helen - she's determined to survive no matter what.

This is Lydia - she's trying to see the good through the bad.

I like how these girls are strong in adversity and I want to share them with you. Since I have some reason to celebrate on this blog I thought I would do a sad girl give away. Maybe I should have called it a strong girl give away, but oh well...

The reason to celebrate is that the end of may was also the end of my first year as an artsy blogger! Also around that time I wrote my 100th post and the counter got to 10.000 page views! I think all of this is just amazing! I know there's blogs out there with way more traffic, but I'm still baffled I get traffic at all, haha.

I can't believe how fast the time has gone and how much I enjoy keeping up this blog. I had been procrastinating for so long before I started (been wanting to keep one for years, but never did anything about it) and now I can't imagine my life without it. I'm still totally amazed at everybody who reads it, comments on it or even feels the need to follow it. You have no idea how happy that makes me and also how happy it makes me to read other peoples blogs.

It's also a wonderful thing to keep up with my own artsy endeavours by blogging about them. One of my goals for this blog was to show myself that I am not as lazy and unproductive as I sometimes think I am (I know, I'm not right in the head). I sometimes get that feeling, because for everything that I do I still have about 2000 ideas that I don't get to. I'm sure you know what I mean. Anyway, this blog has been a really good antidote to all that so far. It makes me feel productive and active. That makes me happy too.

Now, I hope that some of you like my sad girls enough to want to adopt one. Here's what you have to do: leave a comment and tell me which sad girl you prefer and why. I will not judge the winner on who ever gives the best reason, I'm just curious about your preferences. A week from now (friday 17 june) I will be using the random number generator to select a winner. The winner will receive the sad girl of her choice. That's it, that's all. You don't have to jump through hoops, or become a follower or anything. I just want to know that you want one and which one that is. If you never come back to my blog again after that I don't care. I want my stuff to go to someone who likes it, that's all.

Hope you want to adopt a sad girl and check back on friday to see if she's yours. Good luck!