
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Zelhem Sketchbook

About a month ago I went to stay in my sisters house for a free vacation with a bonus dog. As a sort of travel journal I took three pocket moleskine cahiers with me. One to write in, one to put my photographs in and one for doodling and drawing. The writing one is basically just that, a lot of writing, and not very interesting to look at. The photography one is not done yet, because I still haven't printed the photographs, but you have seen my favorite photographs on this blog already. And the little doodle book is what I thought I'd show you today.

Now last time I went to sisters house (fall of 2016) I made a 'real' travel journal with actual sketches of real things I came across (you can find that journal here and here), but this vacation was of the lazy none exploring variety and I bascically just did patterns to pass the time and relax.

I was hoping to fill the entire little book, but I didn't even get close (me and my great expectations of myself, sigh). Still, some drawing is better than no drawing at all, right?

As you can see on the first and second spread, the paper bled through quite a lot, so after that first page I took some cardstock and pasted pieces of it on the left side so I could draw on that instead. It worked fine.

I have to admit that at the time I was a bit annoyed with myself for not drawing more, but in hindsight I am quite pleased with having filled 16 little pages with patterns. I have a tendency to be too hard on myself when it comes to productivity. Now I'm just glad I took the time to draw at all, after all it was supposed to be a laid back vacation.  ;-)

Hope you are doing well wherever you are and wishing you a wonderful and artsy day!