
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Texel Journal (second half)

Hello all. I hope you liked watching the first half of my (almost forgotten!) Texel Journal in my last post, because today you will get to see the second half.

Here we go:

Of course I decorated the back of the journal too:

And here's the whole journal standing up with the written pages attached with paperclips:

I like how it turned out, compact and simple and yet overflowing with images and impressions.

I do enjoy having special journals for my trips and vacations. It takes a bit of an effort while you are away. I worked in the journal every morning and night during my Texel vacation, writing and prepping it for the photographs I took during the day. But it really is worth it to have a tangible memory of your own making when you get home.

Another thing about keeping a journal when you are on vacation is that it makes you extra aware of your surroundings. You are literally keeping a written and visual record of the things you encounter and that helps you to keep your senses open for everything around you. It makes the vacation itself a richer experience. At least that's how it works for me.

Hope you enjoyed my Texel Journal and wishing you a wonderful and artsy day!