
Friday, September 18, 2015

A weekend getaway - day one

So, as you are reading this I am actually on vacation! I'll tell you all about it when it get back with a slideshow and all, as usual. For now I'll just say that I'm staying at my sister's house again, but she moved houses, so it's a whole new place! Looking forward to explore and relax.

Usually when I'm away I take a blog break, but it just so happens that I went on a weekend getaway two weeks ago as well and I figured I would use my time away from home to show you some pictures from that trip. All prepublished of course, I'm not going near a computer for almost two weeks, haha.

The thing was that with the assistant being sick and later having to euthanize him I had had some pretty stressful months and I just really felt like I needed to get away from things just to take a breather. I just couldn't wait for my actual vacation. So I took a last minute weekend trip to one of the other islands, Schiermonnikoog. It was so last minute that I booked on a Wednesday and left on a Friday.

Turns out, it was just what I needed. I always thought a weekend was a bit short for a vacation, but now I've done it I'm definitely going to do it more often.

I did not bring my camera, but I did bring my phone, so I still got to shoot some nice pics. So today I'll show you the highlights of the first day (Friday).

These are the sluices in Lauwersoog, where I had to take the ferry to Schiermonnikoog.

They have two ferries, all to themselves. Our island only has one. I'm not jealous.

The apartment was amazing. Very cosy. It had a fire place, but I was too chicken to turn it on. I'm not good at playing with fire.
The couch was huge! I mean I sat on it fully stretched out and then there was still an entire couch left. It could comfortably have fit six people.

Did I mention the apartment had an ocean view and was right at the beach and dunes? This was the view from the windows:

That was a bonus of the entire trip. I could sit on that couch for hours and just look outside.
But of course I did go outside myself too.

The weather was very changeable that weekend, but I still managed to put in quite a few walking hours. Here are some pics from that first afternoon and night.

Most of those were taken in the early evening. The sky was so amazing that I swear I took like a hundred photographs within an hour or so. All those clouds were just begging for it. ;-)

And that's all for the first day of my weekend getaway. Next post we move on to day two.

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy day.