
Friday, April 11, 2014

Birthday Giveaway - want some paper?

Hello my blogsy people!

Today is my birthday! As of today I'm 44 years old and another year closer to adulthood. Who knows one day I might actually reach that state and what a sad day that will be. ;-)

As has become tradition on my blog I'm doing a giveaway so you all can celebrate with me. Well one of you can, the rest can at least share in the anticipation that comes with receiving gifts.

This time I will be sharing from my enormous stash of pretty papers! I have so much paper I will never be able to use it all (but I do enjoy looking at it and sighing in delight from time to time), so giving some away seems as good a purpose for it as any.

Here's what you can win:

Eight big sheets of extra luxurious paper, size somewhere between A4 and A3, approx. 35x25 cm. (14 x 10 inches)

15 sheets of A4 paper. The top half has a smooth slick finish, the bottom half is more matted with some metallic details.

Eight sheets of this very happy colourful paper in A5 size.

15 sheets of this more subdued coloured paper in 15x15 cm (6x6 inches).

11 sheets of this lovely matching paper, also in 15x15 cm (6x6 inches).

I will probably throw in some extra's like little ephemera bits and stickers and such, but that will remain a surprise for the winner.

If you want to win this lovely paper package, all you have to do is leave a comment and a way to reach you online. Comment before April 18th, because on that day I will pick a winner randomly.
Please do check back, I will not chase you around the interwebs until you respond, ;-) If I cannot reach you within a week of choosing the winner I will pick another one. Those are the rules and that's that. ;-)

Hope you would like to win these goodies!

I will be going away to the main land for a birthday treat, because one sister and two nieces and I will be making chocolate bonbons from scratch in an actual bonbon making workshop! Sounds like delicious fun, doesn't it?

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy weekend and may the most deserving commenter win!