
Friday, March 1, 2013

The Fodder Book

As I have stated in my post about my plans for this year (and can you believe it's March already?), I want to do some work with the book Journal Fodder 365 by Eric Scott and David Modler. I like their style of working because it's so different from most cutesy and vintage girly journal styles  (which I love by the way) out there or the Teesha Moore lookalikes that sprout like crazy all over the place (ever wonder where those pointy hats and striped legs came from?). It also seems like a good book to get back to basics and help me develop a new style that may be more me.

Anyway, through some of their exercises and ideas I am broadening my horizon. I am working with this book in a big Moleskine watercolour book. I'm not too crazy about the landscape format, but hey, I'll just take that as another challenge. ;-)

It really is going back to basics with this book. Just making marks for instance with different materials and seeing what happens. Or working with repetitive shapes and forms. Nothing too complicated so far, but I like playing with the possibilities.

I don't really consider this a journal, because it's not really an account of my day to day life, but a practice of techniques and ideas. I know there's plenty of you who would consider that a journal, but that's for all of us to decide for ourselves. For me a journal is closer to a diary than to an art book or sketchbook. That's just me.

So in this post I'm showing you the first four spreads of this watercolour book that I have dubbed The Fodder Book (I swear somebody should hire me just for naming books!). I kind of like what I'm doing in it, but just like in the White Book I'm sort of still feeling my way through it. Maybe that's the way it should be!

I hope you are all trying to get out of your comfort zone from time to time and see where it leads. Maybe you can take a bold step this weekend! If so, I wish you a wonderful and artsy one!