
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Butterfly music (mixing the old with the new)

A few days ago I wanted to try out some of my new supplies that I got at the Kreadoe. I started by doing a background with some acrylic paint dabbers (I was only moderately impressed by those by the way, especially when used on top of gesso).

I had no idea what I was going to do and that's when intuition takes over. Here's the spread I eventually ended up with.

I used some new stamp inks, some new stamps and the aforementioned acrylic dabbers. But what was extra fun is that I also used some materials that I hadn't used in a long time. The girl is drawn in oil pastels. I don't think I've used oil pastels in over a year before this and it was such fun to get reacquainted with them. Especially rubbing them out with my fingers made this page feel very ... what's the word?....tangible?...maybe even sensual?

The words came into my head while making the spread simply because of the combination of imagery and it seemed like a nice and poetic thing to say.

Here are some close ups of this spread:

It's fun to combine the old with the new.  Don't be afraid to revisit old materials, they might surprise you. Sometimes it has been so long ago that they are new all over again. ;-)

 Hope you liked this little peek into my sketchbook and I wish you all a wonderful and artsy Wednesday!