
Friday, September 7, 2012

Photography Friday

Yep, some more photographs for your viewing pleasure. I'm working on several other posts with more art in them and a step by step post too. But I'm tired and it's I'm keeping it nice and simple. ;-)

Heather in bloom, a purple world.

I loved how the lines in the sand were reflected in the sky.

Sailboats at low tide. I can't get enough of them.

Pen porn. ;-)

Detail of mixed media spread in sketchbook. This will be a step by step post soon.

The Wild West visiting my journal.

Life boats on an old ferry.

My view while sitting on a quiet spot at the beach.

My blissfull at the beach look.

Birds leaving their tracks.

The ocean leaving its tracks.

People leaving their tracks. This was part of a sand castle.

The beach pavilion.

A view from a dam.

More journal bliss, I love this spread. So pretty.

And that's all I have for you today. The week was another busy one, but the weekend will be quiet and spent in solitude. Aaaah...that I may breathe long and deep, catch up on sleep and play a little.. no a lot!

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy weekend!