
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Vacation Blog - part three

I had another wonderful vacation day today. The weather was not as sunny as yesterday, but that didn't really matter, it was dry and not too cold and that made it a wonderful day to go out and explore. But first...I slept late, had me a long luxurious breakfast and played a little at my impromptu art studio. I made a couple of these:

As you may remember all I brought were index cards and I have been playing with some small art in the spare free time I have when I'm not out and about or reading  (Just finished "A storm of swords").

I will show you the journal that will be made from all these cards after I come back and then you will see some more art too. Just know that yes, I am making stuff, so my travel art bag is of good use. ;-)

Most of today however was spent on a four hour bike ride. Now this sounds a lot more sporty than it was, because I stopped time and again to take pictures and had plenty of little breaks to enjoy the scenery from a bench.

Here's a selection of the many things I saw today, I wish I could show you everything but uploading the amount of pictures I took today would keep me busy until kingdom come. I'll just let these selected images speak for themselves, I'm sure you can conclude all by yourself just how beautiful it is around here.

And that's my slideshow for today. If you're working I hope you're not working too hard. And if you're enjoying a little vacation like me I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am mine. Have a wonderful artsy day!