
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What are you up to Wednesday - part 45 (woyww 154)

Aah, the joy of busy workdesks! Today I have two to show you and both are just filled with...journals! Yay! I have to smile as I write this because Mary Ann  recently wrote about using a lot of exlamation marks in her last post and it made me realise again how many of those I use myself. I can't seem to stop myself. I guess I'm just a very enthousiastic artsy person! ;-)

So this week we join the woyww bandwagon again. Sorry I'm not there every week, but life gets in the way and even when I do a what are you up to post I don't always join the link up because I will have no time to check other people's desks. But this week I'm there and like I said, with two workdesks.

For those of you who check in on me for the first time: yes I have two workdesks, in fact I somewhat consider my whole house my studio, so yes, I am very very spoiled. These are the good sides of living alone: you can have as much art space as you want (um, within the limits of your house that is).

Anyway, my downstairs workspace is what I consider my journaling station and that's where my every day journal lives and where I do most of my writing. Look:

My current everyday journal is the Moon Journal of course, the second atlas I have converted into a journal. What you see is the spread I just finished decorating (well, for now I'm finished anyway). Tomorrow I will probably do some writing on this spread and fill it up. If you look very carefully to the bottom left of the  picture you can also see the damage my lovely assistant is doing to my colorful table cloth. Yes, he is helpful wherever he can be. ;-)

Upstairs in my actual studio I am also working on a journal. It's the one I showed you the beginning of last week. Then it was only finished paintwise, but now I am collageing the spreads and I really like where it's going. It's so colorful!

Can you find the little journal in between the mess of supplies? It's right up front. I still have more than half of this book to decorate and then I'm still not sure what I will use it for. A nice small journal to take with me when I'm traveling and want to write? Or maybe I will save it for my upcoming vacation in June? I don't know, and frankly I don't really care that much, I just enjoy decorating it and I especially enjoy using my stamps to make little collage elements and decorating the pages with my paint markers. Such fun!

So right now I'm in journaling heaven and when I finish writing this I may just go back to paradise for a while and decorate some more.

And that's all I have to show for now. Wishing you a very artsy Wednesday!