
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What are you up to Wednesday - part 42 (woyww 145)

Another Wednesday is upon is. There's not much going on atop my studio table, mostly because I've hardly been home in the past few days. So today we move downstairs to the journaling station, because the journal always continues no matter how busy I am. Journaling is like brushing and flossing, it has to be done on a regular basis, a very regular basis, or I feel yucky. I need it like a plant needs water, maybe even like a human needs water (every day).

As I told you in my previous post, I have started working in my altered atlas. Last night I prepared two spreads for writing. The above one is my current favorite, but that doesn't mean much as it's only the second spread in the entire book and I still have months to go before it's filled up. Here's the other spread I did last night.

I like working on the decorating of my spreads in the evening, because I just don't have time for it in the morning, especially when it's such a big book as this one is. But the writing is usually a morning thing. It's simply the best time of the day as it helps me to focus my thoughts a little when I'm still feeling dazed from a night's sleep and have to get up way to early to go to work. ;-)

Of course there is always the issue of my eager personal assistant who takes on way too much responsibility and always feels the need to stay on top of things:

I keep telling him it's really not necessary for our working relationship to be so intense, but he totally ignores me. Maybe he thinks I work for him? ;-)

Hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday and if you feel like checking out other desks, go to the woyww hostess Julia en have a ball!