
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What are you up to Wednesday - part 38 (woyww 141)

I have a confession to make. Last week I posted my woyww post, but did not visit one other desk, except for our hostess Julia's of course. I just didn't have the time. So I'm extra amazed when someone comments on my Wednesday posts claiming they are visiting all other participants. That's close to 200 blogs! How on earth do you do that? The way it usually goes with me is that I will randomly pick about 10 to 20 blogs and look and comment on them. I cannot be the only one who does it that way, at least I hope not, or I would feel really guilty. By picking different blogs every week I will cover most of you over time, but not all of you every single week. I hope you understand. I don't want to make blogging my full time occupation. ;-) I do love looking at other people's workdesks though, so if you feel te same go visit Julia's blog and check out some (or all if you're braver than me) of the other participants.

Here's how my desk looks at the moment:

Sorry about the dark quality of the photo. It was getting a little dark when I took it and I don't have a flash on my phone.
What you're looking at is my Studio Book, the sketchbook I keep in my studio. I'm testing out some pens and markers on both white and black paper to see how they perform. I just received a package of wonderful UniPosca paint markers and still have to test those. I'm thinking of doing a black paged doodle book, so I need markers that show up on dark paper.
You can also see little bottles of craft paint. Those I'm using for the altered atlas which pages are finally getting some colors on them. I intended to do this with a credit card, but found it too time consuming, so now I'm using baby wipes, which goes really well.

As a bonus I want to give you a last look at the fields of ice around the island. I say a last look, because since Sunday it has started to warm up and most of them have melted away already. All the snow is gone too. It's amazing how fast that can go. Anyway, this is how things looked last Saturday.

There's still ice in the Wadden Sea though and the ferry still has an adapted schedule, but I don't think this will last very long anymore. I'm sorry to see Winter go again and there's no way of knowing if it will return this season or if Spring will start to move in. I will miss all that crisp whiteness and the crisp air. But I have tons of images to remember it all by.

Wishing you all a very artsy Wednesday!