
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What are you up to Wednesday - part 31 (woyww 128)

The weeks just fly by, don't they? Here's the state of my studio. I've made a little nook for myself the past weekend!

I surrounded myself with my studio table and my easel, because all of a sudden I had this incredible need to paint! Not that I had any masterpiece in mind, I just needed the feel of the brush and the paint on the canvas. It's been months ago since I did anything on canvas and even then they were little bitty canvases for my 'sad girls'. Remember those? Our mayor won one! Anyway, I needed to paint so paint I did. I splashed on many layers and then I decided to do some masking with contact paper. Here's the current state of the painting:

I like the effect of the masks, but have no idea yet how it's all gonna turn out. The only thing I've decided so far is that the petals of the flowers will be painted pink. Otherwise I have no clue, but that's how I like it, so that's okay. ;-)

The other thing I've started on past weekend and am still working on is this:

The red book is one of the books I bought at the local thrift shop. I wrote about it here. This book is another atlas that will be turned into a journal! I have taken out half of the pages (more collage fodder!) and I have strengthened the binding with some duct tape. Now the left over pages need to be covered with gesso and then colored with paint so they are ready for journaling. This will take some time to finish, no doubt. But time I have since my next journal wil be ROD2.

On my table is one of the pages that I tore from the atlas above.

It's a picture of earth as seen from the moon. I liked all that black so much that I decided it would be a great background to try out the metallic pencils that I found on sale ages ago while shopping. You can't really see the metallic nature in the picture, but trust me, it's there. I still have to fill the rest of the page and it's a very relaxing thing to do. I may use this image for the cover of the second altered atlas, but I'm not sure yet. We'll see how it goes.

The thing I was working on last week but didn't show, the present for my friend, is finished and sent to my friend who had her birthday last Monday. I hope to show it to you next Friday, so keep your fingers crossed it has arrived safely! I always worry about stuff like that.

That's it for me today. Plenty to do, plenty to see. Now go check out other workdesks and make the owners happy with a comment!