
Saturday, September 9, 2017

And the winner is....

Last week I told you about the mistake I made in buying a sticker book that was not really suitable for me.

So I decided to give it away. There were not many takers, but that means that those who did enter had a bigger chance of winning. Still, I only have one sticker book, so with the help of a number generator I picked the winner from the comments and it is Mari! She had this to say:

Mari is from South Africa and we actually sometimes correspond through e-mail where she mails me in Afrikaans and I mail her back in Dutch. Because the languages are so related we can understand each other (almost) perfectly. Above she asked me to put her name in the sorting hat and thanks me for the opportunity to win. Mari, I sure hope you will enjoy those stickers! I think I still have your address, but would appreciate it if you confirmed it through e-mail (you know how to reach me). Thanks.

For the rest of you, I promise if I ever buy the wrong stickers again I will give them away on the blog so you can have another chance. ;-)

For now I wish you all a wonderful and artsy weekend!