
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The South Limburg Slideshow - part two of five

From the 7th to the 14th of April I went on vacation to the South of Limburg, which is the most southern province of The Netherlands. I mostly stayed in the area around a town called Valkenburg. 

As always I walked and explored a lot and as always I took a lot of pictures, be it only with my phone this time, since I did not bring my camera. 

This five part slideshow is an impression of my vacation. I may give a little comment here and there, but mostly I want the pictures to speak for themselves. If you have any questions though, don't hesitate to ask. 

 I hope you will enjoy traveling with me!

Town square in Valkenburg. Behind that low wall the river Geul is streaming.

I liked how the river goes straight between buildings.

Whenever a vacation rental doesn't have a good big mug, I just buy one. I'm growing a whole collection of them!

This was a small staircase that led from the apartment building into an orchard.

There were a lot of spring blossoms to ooh and aah over!

In these pictures you can see a bit how hilly the landscape is in the south.

This was a valley between my apartment and Valkenburg. I'm walking up the Cauberg here.

This beautiful building is the train station of Valkenburg.

After I arrived on my first day I went to the local tourist agency and bought a book with descriptions of fourteen different walks around Valkenburg that were put together by a local citizen. Most of them started at the train station which was convenient and within walking distance of my apartment. I picked several of them that did not cover too much of the same ground and were neither too short nor too long. I know my limits! The hilly landscape was challenging at times, but doable. In the end I found going down a steep hill more difficult that going up.

More pictures in my next post. Until then I wish you all a wonderful and artsy day!