
Monday, January 9, 2017

The last of the Morning Book

I didn't plan for it, but somehow I managed to finish my Morning Book on exactly the last day of the year 2016. When I started the book in February I had the overambitious idea that I would be filling several of them, but as time passed I chose to do so many intricate pages that took more than one sitting that it was very slow going. I don't mind really, I like how the book turned out and if it did anything for me it is to confirm my absolute addiction to patterns .

Here are the last eight pages of the Morning Book:


You can see that in the final stage of the book I became a little dash crazy. ;-)

All in all I worked on this book for 270 morning sessions of half an hour. I started in February and took a break for the whole month of July. Also I didn't do it on vacations or when I was away from home and even every now and then I even skipped when I just didn't feel like it. Still, I think 270 mornings within ten months isn't so bad.

Filling this book was a very satisfying endeavour and also a great training in patience. I am almost sorry the book is finished. Almost. I already decided beforehand that I would continue doing my morning art practice, so even though I have closed this book another one is already begun. But I will tell you all about that in another post when I have a bit more to show about that.

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy day.