
Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Project Book (the journal I almost forgot to show you)

Last July I took a break from blogging and from my morning art practice and actually a bit of a break from life. You can read why in this post from June 30

The one thing I didn't take a break from was journaling, because it always helps me to get my thoughts in order. It doesn't really solve anything specific, but it makes things more clear and that makes them easier to handle.

Anyway, during that time I had been working in a big beautiful Scrap Book journal, but I felt I needed something simpler for that month so I picked a book from my stash that I bought in 2015. This one:

It's a very cool ringbound notebook from the Dutch department store HEMA. It has lined paper and also several pockets and even a ziplocked pocket. My intention was to fill it as much as possible during July, mostly by doing a lot of writing, but I hadn't counted on an injury on my right hand, and of course I also overestimated what a person can do in a month, haha.

Anyway, the Project Book, as I called it, lasted me until September. I never went back to the Scrap Book, and I'm okay with that. That book was becoming too stuffed anyway.

With all the other things I showed you on this blog, this journal was almost forgotten, but I'm here today to play catch up and show you some spreads from the journal that was my steady compantion for about three months this year.


 I love how I could put all kinds of loose everyday ephemera into this journal. I now wish I had bought more than one. Since then I haven't seen them at that store again though. I like books with little extra's like this

I finished the Project Book at the end of September and have since moved on to a strictly written journal for a while. I do have plans to create a smash book type of journal for all the imagery and ephemera I collect. I already have the book for it and I have been collecting the images, but I just haven't actually started it yet. It will happen though and when it does I will show you how it looks, promise.

I hope you all enjoyed this peek into another journal of mine and I wish you a wonderful and artsy weekend!