
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Zelhem Slideshow - part two of three

The first week of October I went on vacation to my sister's house in Zelhem (Bronckhorst), which is a town in the east of The Netherlands. While I was there I looked after her sweet dog Jinte, the cutest little border terrier. 

Having a dog at my disposal meant I had a very willing walking companion, so basically that's what I did: I walked and walked and walked some more. It was fabulous! Of course I also took many photographs and this three part series serves as a little slideshow of my vacation.

I won't be explaining much about the pictures. Around Zelhem it is mostly farmland and it shows. ;-) If anything needs clarifying however don't hesitate to ask in the comments. 

Hope you enjoy these pictures! 

Halfway my vacation I went on a shopping trip to the city of Zutphen.

Yes, I scored well! ;-)

This sign says 'Sit down' in the local dialect. In 'proper' Dutch it would be 'Ga zitten'.

Jinte and I usually had lunch halfway our walks.

Next time the final part of my slideshow. Until then I wish you all a wonderful and artsy day!