
Thursday, September 29, 2016

From the Morning Book (and a blog break announcement)

At the time this post is published I will have worked in my Morning Book for about 200 days! It's like a tiny miracle how the days add up with a regular morning practice, almost on their own. I just show up every morning and the book gets filled. Slowly, but steadily. It feels a bit like wielding some kind of artistic magic.

Here are six recently finished pages:

The two portraits are part of my endless mail order catalogue girl series. No models hold still so perfectly as those that just come through my mailbox. ;-) They were drawn with a Pentel Pocket Brush and further defined with a graphite pencil. Some colour was added with Pittpens (the Big Brush kind).

The patterns were all drawn with markers and in the last two I also added extra colour with coloured pencils. Especially the grid ones took a lot of patience to finish. I sometimes wonder how it's possible that someone who is at nature a very impatient person can have an endless amount of patience when it comes to drawing patterns and how do I translate that to real life? It would certainly come in handy! ;-)

And now for something completely different: I have a vacation coming up! Yay!
Like every year I will spend a free vacation at my sister's house just exploring the beautiful area she lives in while she and her husband explore another place away from home. This year I will have the added bonus of a furry companion in the form of their sweet dog Jinte.

She's the sweetest scruffiest little border terrier and I intend to bring her on my walks. We'll see how it goes.

My own furry companion will have a lovely cat sitter, so no worries about that.

I will be back on the blog somewhere halfway October, no doubt with some slideshows of the photographs I took. Until then I wish you all a wonderful and artsy time!