
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Pages from the Spiral Book (the journal)

As I'm writing this I just finished the journal I only recently introduced to you, The Spiral Book. But I still have at least one more post beside this one to show you from it, so blogwise I'm not done with it yet. ;-)

Here are some page spreads from this journal, a journal that I really enjoyed working in.

A lot of these page were done around the time I had to say goodbye to my sweet assistant so they have special memories attached for me. Even the drawing of the sailboat. That was done the day after when a sweet friend kept me company and we sat on the dyke around the town and sketched together. Its always special to me how such warmth can accompany such sorrow. That's what makes life precious and it's good to keep a journal if only to become aware of things like that.

The doodle drawings I already showed you in a previous post, but now you can see how they are mixed into the journal. I enjoy doing whatever I feel like doing on my pages and often it's just writing, but there's always room for art too, if I want it.

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy day!