
Thursday, September 24, 2015

A weekend getaway - day three

While my vacation is progressing I am showing you pictures of my last trip, a weekend getaway to the island of Schiermonnikoog, where I went a few weeks ago.

On the third day of my weekend trip (Sunday) I went on one very long walk around the island. Well, the part that has paths on it that is. It's more to the east of the island and it has a feeling of incredible space as you will see in some of the pics I took. For the most part this day was a bit more grey, but at least it stayed dry and that's what really matters!

Here's an impression of one long Schiermonnikoog walk:

Don't you just love those wooden bridges?

I know the above pictures give the idea that the place was deserted, but there were quite a lot of people out and about. I just waited time and again until they were out of sight. I don't like people in my landscape pictures. Especially on the bridges this took some patience, because there were a lot of cyclists and every time I thought 'yes, now!' another one would come around the bend. ;-)

After that long walk I rested for a little bit in the apartment and then I went for a last visit to the seaside near my building. There I shot these two pics: 

That last one is my absolute favorite of the entire trip. I think it would look really cool if I had it printed in a very big size and framed it. I also wish I was an accomplished oil painter, because I feel this scene begs to be painted by someone who's really good at ultra realistic paintings. You know, somebody who's not me.

I did paint a little though, because my morning painting practice continued, but that's for next post. For now I wish you a wonderful and artsy day.