
Friday, July 10, 2015

Let me take you to the beach

After some very hot and humid days last week in which walking was not as much fun as usual (although I did walk), this week we are blessed with lovely cool weather. So I was happy to go to the beach this morning and even more happy when the light turned out to be downright magical!

So I thought I'd give you a little impression of how it looked. I don't want my blogsy people to miss out on anything spectacular I encounter! You're welcome. ;-)

I actually intended to just do a short walk this morning, but I guess you understand that when I saw the beach looked like this I took the long route instead!

Now for those of you who want a fuller experience I will try to do something I've never done before on this blog: upload a little video I took this morning as well. You will need Flash Player to watch it and it's not the greatest quality (I think blogger automatically downsized it), so don't watch it full screen if you want it to make sense, haha.

Hope you enjoyed our little trip and wishing you all a wonderful and artsy weekend.