
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Let's go walking!

A sky full of clouds and sunshine, a nice bit of wind, not too warm, not too cold. That's when I cannot resist taking my camera out and going for a nice long and slow walk. I walk a lot anyway, but the camera only comes with me on special occasions. The day I took these pictures was one of those occasions.

Of course I would be a very selfish blogsy person if I did not take you all with me. So here we go. Put on your walking shoes and prepare not to be back for several hours!

Can you believe how green everything has become in the past month? I swear, everytime I'm among the trees I'm talking to myself about it. "Just look at all that green!", "I can't believe how green it all is!", "It's just so green out here!". Should I see somebody about this? Nah, I'll just enjoy it instead!

Hoping spring (alsmost summer) is good to you wherever you are, unless you're on the south side of the planet, then I hope winter is good to you.

Time to put up your feet! Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy day!