
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mail art + an update on the Snail Mail List

About ten days ago I introduced you to the Snail Mail List, my new ongoing list of adresses to send my snail mail to.  You can read all about it here. The list has about 30 people on it now (thank you my blogsy people!), and that is a very nice amount for someone who makes about six to eight cards at a time every few weeks.

Here's the latest bunch of collage cards that I made:

I really enjoyed working with these browns and beiges and ochres. Now two of these have already been taken for other occasions, but the rest of them will be going to the first six people on the Snail Mail List! I guess that means the list is now officially in operation. ;-)

If you have not signed up yet and would like to, check out the rules in this post and then mail me at c.m.j.winkelman[at] or pm me through Facebook or leave a message through the contact form in the sidebar. You will find the rules are pretty much non existent for the both of us. ;-)

Hope you are all getting wonderful mail or making some, be it snail or otherwise.

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy day!