
Friday, March 6, 2015

Want some snail mail? Let me know!

There was a time when I did lots of art trading in the form of either mail art or artist trading cards, but somehow I have let all that slip for different kinds of art.

I'm perfectly okay with that, but sometimes I just feel like making mail art again or postcards or just something I can send to someone. So recently I gave into that urge and I made eight art cards.

I used some left over photographs that had remained unused from an old journal project and just combined them with self made collage elements, washi tape and some bits and bobs. I really enjoyed using all these pieces to turn them into what I consider an attractive composition on a card. It made me realize that I had kind of missed doing this type of thing and why I used to do it in the first place.

Here are the cards close up:

So now I have these eight cards and I would really like to send them to someone. So that's why the title of this post is 'Want some mail?', because I would like them to go to my blogsy people! So this is sort of a little art giveaway.

If you would like to receive some snail mail from me all you have to do is mail me at c.m.j.winkelman[at] and I will send one of the above to you. I will not use your address for anything else, promise. Don't leave your addy in the comments, I can't guarantee some creepy person is not lurking around to abuse it. If you have a preference for a certain card let me know and I will see what I can do, but I can't promise anything. 

If I have more than 8 takers I will draw some 'winners' who will get the cards, but I will probably make some more in the future and then those left over will be the first to receive one of those. So in the end everybody wins, haha. 

Update: all cards are taken and then some! Wow, they went fast. I'll get back to all takers personally through mail or facebook messenger. 
I will make some more in the future. I'll let you know as soon as there's another batch made and offer them here on the blog.

I don't need anything in return, by the way, but don't let that stop you from sending me mail art too, haha. I love receiving mail. And yes, I know there are sites and groups where you can exchange mail art and such (I have been a member of several in the past), but it's usually around themes and prompts and with deadlines and I hate that. I just want to make some cards and send them. The end. ;-)

Look forward to sending these your way. Until then have a wonderful and artsy day!