
Saturday, March 14, 2015

From the Canson Book

It's time for a peek in my journal again.

I'm enjoying the Canson Book very much. The compact book makes it possible for me to write on the couch! That may not seem like a big thing, but the last journal Flora was so big I could only write sitting at a table. So this is quite nice. ;-)

For those of you who enquired about the status of my flu: I'm doing much better, thank you. Last week I worked half days because my energy level was still very low, but now I feel back to almost normal. Still coughing a little here and there, but indeed very little. And I can walk again without feeling like I'm running a marathon. So good to feel a bit like myself again. 

I hope you're all doing well and are enjoying something artsy and/or expressive this weekend. Have a good time my blogsy people.