
Sunday, February 15, 2015

The last journal spreads from Flora

Well, it's official: Flora is finished! I did the last spread about two weeks ago. You may remember poor  Flora had a bit of a rough start (you can read all about that here), but now she is fully filled up and has been thoroughly enjoyed by me (and hopefully by you too).

Here are the last spreads of the only journal I ever referred to as a 'her' instead of an 'it'. ;-)

Now she can go live with all the other journals and every now and then I will leaf through her and think of her fondly for housing all my thoughts and imagery so faithfully.

Meanwhile I have moved on to another journal. A smaller one in size this time, since I crave variety.
But that's for another time and another post, although if you look very carefully at the last photo, you may just be able to guess which book I'm using now, haha.

Have a wonderful and artsy day!