
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Journal pages from Flora

My current journal Flora is almost full! I have about four spreads to go and then I can move on to my next journal. Yes, I've already chosen the next book, but that's for another post.

Today I'm showing you some of the latest spreads. I'm showing you the pretty ones and the not so pretty ones, because I want you to see what a real journal looks like, so you don't get too hung up on the idea of it having to be beautiful. I don't always have time to prep a page nicely and sometimes I just throw some ephemera together or a series of photographs. A journal is a living thing with good days and bad days and that's perfectly okay.

In the end the 'real' journaling to me is in the writing. The rest are nice extra's and I do like to do nice layouts in my book, but sometimes I just don't get around to that and write anyway. That's how it should be as far as I'm concerned. In the end the journal is about function, not about art. And Flora is functioning just fine, thank you very much! ;-)

Hope you enjoyed this journal peek and I wish you a wonderful and artsy day.