
Monday, November 24, 2014

The Amsterdam Pages

As you know I went to Amsterdam last month for a few days. If you missed it, you can read all about it here, here and here.

This time I didn't take a 'real' journal with me, but I did bring my smart phone and a notebook and I did collect tons of ephemera. When I got back home I made copies of the notes I took while I was there, I printed a bunch of photographs and I picked out my favorite ephemera and got to work in my journal Flora. It lead to what I call 'The Amsterdam Pages'. Ten spreads that are a full travel report.

Here's how they turned out:

On this spread you can see the only sketch I did while I was there. ;-)

As you can see, some pages have interactive elements in them to make them extra interesting.

I have to admit it was a bit of a chore to put this together as in general I prefer to make most of a travel journal while I'm away, but this trip was so short that I decided on this approach. And I'm happy I now have some good memories to look into in my regular journal.

Hope you enjoyed this peek into my travel report and I wish you a wonderful and artsy day!