
Sunday, September 21, 2014

More experiments with masking liquid

You may remember my discovery of masking liquid markers a couple of posts ago. I used them then for doing watercolour mosaics. But of course I had to try them for some other things too.

So here are two more pages from the Fodder Book where I used masking liquid to draw and then coloured everything in with watercolour.

Oh dear, I just noticed there's a little piece of plastic stuck to this page! Sorry about that. ;-)

I really like how well they rub off after use. They write in blue and leave a sort of rubbery substance that resists liquids. This also helps with the colouring in of things, the lines resist the watercolour so you can be a bit less anal about not crossing the lines. ;-)

Afterwards you just erase the blue lines with a kneaded eraser. You can use a regular eraser or just your finger, but in both cases it would be a lot messier and in the last case your finger could get quite painful from all the rubbing (yes, been there done that). A kneaded eraser just picks up the blue rubbery stuff and integrates it into itself. I'm thinking over time this will mean my gray kneaded eraser will turn blue, haha.

I think I'm going to have a lot more fun with these markers, especially when it comes to making patterns,  and I am so glad I came across them!

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy day!