
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Typography in the Fodder Book

The Fodder Book that was intended as a sort of art journal to work with a book by the Journal Fodder Junkies, has become a watercolour book instead where I fill page upon page with patterns, doodles and other ideas. Mostly I just draw something in a hard pencil (lighter lines) and then colour it in very patiently with watercolour, doing my best to stay within the lines. I tell myself this is a good way to practice my control over the brush.

It's strange how in this book I can bring up this patience, where as in other art forms (like drawing) I have much more trouble doing that. Maybe it's because doing this doesn't really require any brain work. It's very zen, and when you have a restless mind like mine anything zen is most welcome. ;-)

The following pages are part of an experiment I'm currently working on trying to combine these watercolour pages with typography. I have a ton of letter stencils and it's fun trying to figure out attractive compositions with them and then colouring them in.

As you can see I'm also trying to combine the typography with my mosaics idea, but I'm still not fully happy with the results. Still a work in progress I guess. Must keep trying to find the right approach.

In the meantime I'm just enjoying the process of carefully colouring stuff in. If you have any suggestions as to how I can make that whole mosaics-combined-with-typography-thing work better, I'd love to read about them!

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy day!