
Friday, February 7, 2014

Introducing The Notebook

After finishing my elaborate daily journal The White Book I really wanted to simplify my journaling practice for a while.
It brought back memories of a time when my journals were simply hold alls for all kinds of daily stuff. From writings and poems to grocery lists and from drawings and pictures to candy wrappings.

I really like the idea of the journal as a hold all. It makes for a less pretty book, but also enables a more direct approach and a more 'real feel' if you know what I mean.

So I decided to get back to basics a little. To do this it was important to use a very ordinary book, so I chose a simple (but cute) notebook with ordinary lined writing paper.

Here are some pics from my current daily journal, very aptly called The Notebook. :-)

PS The drawings in the first spread came with the book. I just coloured them in.