
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Studio porn

I love my studio! Now my studio pretty much encompasses my entire house. I have a box of materials near the couch, I have a journaling table in the kitchn, I have my sewing room upstairs, I moved my easel to the upstairs hallway and then of course there's the actual actual studio which is the biggest room upstairs. In short I think only my bedroom, shower and toilet have yet to be taken over by it. Give me some time. ;-)

From time to time I like taking pictures of my studio and details from my work spaces. It just makes me happy to look at all the goodies. If you're anything like me, you enjoy pictures like that too, so especially for you I share some studio pics with you. Call it studio porn!

Craft paints on my journaling table in the kitchen downstairs.

Totes full of pens and markers and other goodies. Underneath watercolour paints and crayons.

My sticker collection that gets used a lot for the journal. You can also tell I get most of them on sale, haha.

Fabrics in my sewing room.

A stack of colourful stuff set aside for use in a journal I'm working on.

My actual studio table is full of different mark makers. I swoon just looking at this.

Papers and stencils all happy together in a box to my right while I work.

This is just one box of tapes. I have another one at my journaling table. (I know.)

Recently I reorganized my acrylic paint in big boxes by colour, so I could actually find what I'm looking for.

My ribbon drawer! I have an extra basket for loose pieces of ribbon.

My worktable in the studio. My favorite place in the house.

My computer desk. That's where I'm sitting right now (laptop open of course).

I keep wanting to do an actual studio tour on my blog with details on how I store and organize things and such. But I'm kind of dreading the work involved. One day, really, one day...;-)

Hope you liked this peek at my artsy spaces and that you have a space of your own, no matter how small, to play. I know I'm ridiculously spoiled. It wasn't always this way, but I'm sure happy it is now. ;-)

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy Wednesday!