
Friday, November 1, 2013

Photography Friday

Time for another Photography Friday where you can see the world, world, through the lens of my camera phone.

Autumn has really come around now and it shows in a lot of my pictures. Every year again I'm fascinated by the colouring of the leaves and the appearance of mushrooms. Have you ever noticed how mushrooms just seem to appear out of nowhere? It's not like one day you will see a small mushroom and the next it will be a bigger one. No, it's like they just plop out of the ground with force! Or is it just me who feels this way? ;-)

Anyway, enjoy the scenery!

With the fall comes the fog. It gives the landscape a mysterious look.

These must be the tiniest species of mushrooms ever!

I took many a walk through the forest.

Because, let's face it, the forest in autumn just rules.

A little cart I found near the lighthouse.

My happy place. See how colourful my protection paper is becoming? I've been printing again!

Autumn leaves.

I'm quite sure still that in this piece of the forest....

...there's an abundance of fairies and elves. They're just hiding you know.

Oh...Wadden Sea at low tide with the light just right, you're soooo pretty!

More autumn leaves.

Sun coming through the clouds to shed some light on some trees.

Big mushrooms.

Greens from summer mixing with browns and oranges from autumn.

An upside down tree. Well.... sort of... ;-)

Whenever I walk down this path I feel like I'm leaving the civilized world behind me.

This is what about 60% of the island looks like. Endless lines of dunes.

Guess what? More autumn leaves! ;-)

Slowly the forest paths are being carpeted.

My other happy place with the White Book in progress.

Autumn coming also always means the storm season begins. And began with a whopper past Monday! We had winds upto force 12 Beaufort! I like me a good storm, but this was a bit creepy. There was a lot of damage to houses and gardens and a couple of hundred trees fell over on this island alone. My damage was limited to the garden where a fence broke and a little shed/shelter thingy almost collapsed. Luckily the house is fine, which cannot be said for everybody.

My fence just after it broke. It needs replacing anyway so I'm not too bothered by it.

On to the good news, because that time of year has come around again when my oldest sister and I go to visit the annual art supply fair Kreadoe in Utrecht! I always save coins for it all year round so I can just splurge on anything I want (well, within reason, but still). I always come back with tons of stuff.
You can read about last years Kreadoe here and the year before that here. Of course I'll try to give you a full report this year as well.

Until then I wish you wonderful and very artsy weekend! Make it a good one!