
Friday, October 4, 2013

Photography Friday

Time for another peek through my smart phone camera to see the sights I encountered on my walks over the past few weeks. Enjoy!

Mysterious autumn light.

View trough the grass at the North Sea.

Me and my shadow at extremely low tide at the North Sea. The beach was endless (and totally empty!).

Left over water at low tide leaving a beautiful picture.

Forever fascinated by the marks moving water leaves in the sand.

View from the top at Pad van 30, which is about halfway across the island, on a very long walk.

Low tide at the Wadden Sea.

It seems on all sides the low tide was quite extreme.

I like how it shows things that are usually hidden.

Walking on Vuurboetsduin, the highest dune on the island, good exercise on my lunch break.

The lighthouse is on top of that dune.

Close up of the light house.

View from Vuurboetsduin on the north side, in the distance the North Sea.

View from the south side of Vuurboetsduin, with the town and behind it the Wadden Sea.

And that's all I have for you today (well, that and about a hundred more, but let's not go overboard).
Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy weekend!